24 September, 2007




第二次是在荣国府元宵宴上(第54回),还未待两位说书女艺人开讲,只说了个类似西厢的残唐五代《凤求鸾》的故事梗概,却被贾母一语道破“才子佳人”的老套程式,又一大通“掰慌”议论,结果这个故事便没讲成。不过,虽然故事未讲,“happily ever after”的结局却可料到,这个经过自由恋爱有情人终成眷属的结局不是贾母所喜欢和支持的,所以才被她的大批判口水淹没,使大家(包括读者)都没有机会听到故事细节。



19 September, 2007








18 June, 2007


今天的Language Log上有个有趣的讨论,是关于英文单词中三个相同字母相连出现的罕见例子。话题的引出是一则勘误,说是把在任天堂游戏机Wii上打网球过度而导致的关节炎症(炎症的后缀是-itis)“网球肘”名称拼错了,这个词应该是Wiiitis。似乎很难找出其他类似的单词,更不要说三个以上相同字母的例子了。有人举了threeers,但是大家对这个生造词的拼法不以为然,因为我们知道e结尾的词在添加诸如er, est等构词后缀时往往要抵消前面一个e,不过借这个词用来形容这种构词情况还是挺合适的。甚至有人引用了一首别致的小诗来证明这种现象的稀少:

by Ogden Nash

The one-l lama,
He's a priest.
The two-l llama,
He's a beast.
And I will bet
A silk pajama
There isn't any.
Three-l lllama


17 June, 2007

An Imcompatible Bather

The Bathers

"Permit me, M. Cezanne, to leave the picture.
I am Sylvie, on the far right. Something -- pipe smoke,
an old dream's deja-vu -- something caught your brushstroke
off guard. How else would my wraithlike caricature
rise from fishtail sweeps of green and hover half there?
I am no mermaid! The others at least are whole,
but I'm an apostrophe, a violin's scroll
on canvas. Ah! There's a thought! What note of despair
robbed me of arms? I do not belong to this love-
less outcrop. They would sink like stones, all these no-name
eternal women you call bathers. Nothing sirs.
A masterpieces, no? With my last blue breath, Monsieur,
I grant you your genius. Please grant my remove.
No one will miss me. I shall go as I came."

-- by Ellen Dudis, originally from Literary Imagination Vol. 9, 2007

Paul Cézanne might have never been confronted by such an odd, though perhaps justifiable from her (the fictional Sylvie's) point of view, query. The female bathers in this abstract master's paintings, as a favored theme for Cézanne, were seldom presented as individuals (even not so much in his small piece "The Three Bathers"), but pyramided as a whole to fit in Nature, exuding a pleasant and serene, rather than erotic, aura. “So Sylvie, you should be grateful to be part of it.” Or is it just your grudge against those who marginalized you? I know those actresses would fight for a most eye-catching position when posing for a cover group picture for Vanity Fair. Once one felt unfairly treated, she would immediately threaten to drop out. Old trick. You are no exception.

Sometimes, people just like a refreshing perspective, no matter whether it is a misreading or misleading one. This poem is a cute creation I should say. Very smart. But was there a prototype from Cézanne? I searched. In one online gallery, I think I may have found some trace: in this version of "The Bathers" (1900-1905, National Gallery, London), a study version of "Les Grandes Baigneuses" I presume, we can see a limbless "wraith" as accused "on the far right" of the canvas. Now you are re-discovered, Sylvie, mysterious Sylvie. Don't leave your arena; don't suicide your art life. You know how such beauty of women was classically paraphrased in Chinese poetry? "She came, her face half hid behind a pipa still."

16 June, 2007

A Letter to Editor of The Economist

Dear Editor,

In the last paragraph of the article "A museum boom" published in the June 14th print issue of The Economist, there is a mis-spelling of the name of the deputy minister of construction, which should be "Qiu Baoxing" instead of "Qiu Baixing". He used to be Mayor of Hangzhou, my hometown and the capital city of China's eastern province Zhejiang, so I'm quite familiar with this tough hand.

The report itself is very revealing. I see this museum construction/renovation fever around China, as well as the nationwide mushrooming applications for the UNESCO world heritages (though some do deserve such an honor), as one symptom among the many of a new "Big Leap Forward Movement", and the erections of well-facilitated, accordingly revenue-consuming, new museums serve as local governors' personal trophies for their achievements in "urbanization" and "civilization", rather than channels for public education (one reason is that some so-called museums were just instant projects and had no serious collections worth seeing). The "Stalinist-looking National Museum" mentioned in the report was actually a merger of the Museum of the Chinese Revolution and the Museum of Chinese History, and the renaming was one of the steps to erase or blur the image of the "Red China" and make such tourist spots more ideologically and visually approachable to international, especially western, visitors. As a matter of fact, the Chinese government is quite happy with this strategy, which they think would help form a Beijing's Smithsonian or Museumsinsel, along with the boondoggle National Theater in Tian'anmen Square of course!


15 June, 2007

eeky mac

Saw a funny South Park version of PC vs. Mac

but it still couldn't cheer me up from the MacBook battery headache. Yes, I went to Den Haag again on Wednesday and did get the battery replaced again only in 3 minutes. That Apple guy even didn't have the patience to listen to my description of all the symptoms my sick baby got before handing me a brand new sealed battery. I installed and tested it on the spot. Everything just seemed perfect... until after I calibrated it for the first time at home. The first charging till full was ok, BUT when I plugged in the Magsafe, the indicator light was just like a malfunctioning traffic light -- green, amber, and green again, even when the power was below 70% and should've started charging. The only "improved" was that no big X showed up, but still, it said "calculating ... till full" instead of "charging till full". Even the reset of SMC failed to take any effect. This means the new battery was, and is still so, irrecognizable just like the old ones! Due to the total dependence on AC, my laptop ironically turned into a desktop!

I believe the suspect should be Mac itself, not the batteries. Luckily I'm not alone. Search results show that most macs with the same battery charging problem got cured by battery exchange, and a few by changing their logic boards. Hope mine is simply the latter type. Will definitely add this to Apple people's knowledge base on Monday.

14 June, 2007

China in a Torrent

There is no other country in the world who understands China better and who's more interested in China issues than Japan, so it did not surprise me that an in-depth 24-episode serial documentary called "China in a Torrent" (激流中国) was being intensively produced by NHK, Nipon's national broadcaster, to reveal the pain in the neck of its neighboring oriental lion.

The first four episodes that have already been aired respectively focused on the widening income gap between extravagant gazillionaires and poor “peasant-laborers” (temporarily contracted workers in cities originally from rural areas), the edgy Tai-Chi hands-pushing between courageous and insightful journalists and bureaucratic restrictions on media, the senior's sympathized dilemma between loneliness in the empty nest and strangeness in the care center in the aging society, and the intensifying conflict between the water-lavishing Beijing and its suburban people who live by the reservoir yet in want of water. And more to come in another 10 instalments which will last a whole year.

Sensational and fact-suspicious as it is, the documentary, particularly the episode on China's fast growing media industry, still serves well as a truth-exposing mirror. What makes me curious is the way they filmed the footages. A disguised micro-camera must have been used for most scenes, for none of the interviewees acted as if there were a lens in front of them. However, people's ignorance of the camera and the secret shooting itself, though also used for personal-attack-prone negative reports in China, poses the danger of a possibly one-sided story, so I really feel it a strong need for "angry youth", major spreaders of the afore-mentioned videos (some even volunteered the translation job to facilitate the spread), to calm down before showing any emotional upsurge.

Anyway, no documentary is omniscient, and this is a quality production. A technical question: how can the hidden camera be flexibly zoomed and focused while remaining invisible? I've never seen a better secret filming. Fascinating skills.